Lesson 1

To drink beber To eat comer

Lesson 1

To drink beber To eat comer

I drink

Eu bebo

You drink

He drinks / She eats

3ª pessoa usa-se S

Você bebe

I drink water 

Eu bebo água

I drink juice

Eu bebo suco

You drink coffee

Você bebe café

You drink milk

Você bebe leite

I drink coffee and milk

Eu bebo café e leite

I drink water and juice

Eu bebo água e suco

I drink juice and soda

Eu bebo suco e refrigerante

I eat bread and I drink milk

Eu como pão e bebo leite

I eat cheese and I drink juice

Eu como queijo e bebo suco

I eat fish and I drink soda

Eu como peixe e bebo refrigerante 

I eat

Eu como

You eat

Você come

I eat bread 

Eu como pão

I eat cheese

Eu como queijo

You eat Fish

Você come peixe

You eat meat

Você come carne

I eat bread and ham

Eu como pão e presunto

I eat bread and cheese

Eu como pão e queijo

I eat fish and meat

Eu como peixe e carne

I eat cheese and you eat ham

eu como queijo e você come presunto

I drink milk and you drink coffee

eu bebo leite e você bebe café

I eat bread and you eat cheese

Eu como pão e você como queijo


To drink – beber, tomar

To eat – comer


Coffee – Café Tea-Chá Milk – Leite Juice – Suco

Water – Água Soda – Refrigerante Fish – Peixe Meat – Carne

Cheese – Queijo Ham – Presunto Bread – Pão And-E

I – Eu You – Você


Thank you – Obrigado Thanks – Obrigado Please – Por favor Hi – Oi

Hello – Olá Good bye -Tchau 

Grammar Grammar

I drink – eu bebo, bebo

I eat – Eu como, como

You drink – Você bebe

You eat – você come 



coffee and milk.


fish. Thank you.


drink _________________________, please.


eat ______________________________, please.


drink _________________and_____________ .


eat______________________________ and cheese


I ______________________________meat, thank you.


I ______________________________ ham, thanks


eat ______________.


10-________________drink ______________

Substitution Practice


drink milk and coffee. / I eat cheese.


I eat fish and meat, thank you.


I drink milk and I eat bread an ham


I eat meat. / I drink milk.


I drink juice, please.


I drink soda and I eat bread and ham


I eat fish and I drink juice

8-I drink coffee and milk

 Listening Listening






Written Practice

1. Eu bebo / Eu como / Comer / Beber

2. Eu bebo suco / Eu como carne / Obrigado

3. Eu como peixe e bebo água/ tchau

4. Oi / Eu bebo café / Por favor

5. Olá / Eu como pão e queijo

6. Você come presunto e bebe água

7. Você bebe café e leite e eu como pão com queijo

8. Eu como pão, presunto e queijo / obrigado

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 2 Lesson 2

To speak falar To study estudar

I speak I study

Eu falo Eu estudo

You speak You study 

Você fala Você estuda

I speak English I study English 

Eu falo Inglês Eu estudo inglês

I speak Spanish I study Spanish

At – em, na

At the – na, no

The – o


I work at night

Não existe

I work in the night

Não existe

At morning


In the Morning

Eu falo Espanhol Eu estudo Espanhol

You speak Portuguese You study Portuguese

Você fala português Você estuda Português 

You speak French You study French

Você fala Francês Você estuda Francês

I speak with my friend I study with my sister

Eu falo com meu amigo Eu estudo com minha irmã

I speak with my brother I study with my friend

Eu falo com meu irmão Eu estudo com meu amigo

You Speak with your father You study with you mother

Você fala com seu pai Você estuda com sua mãe

I speak English with my friend I study Spanish with my sister

Eu falo inglês com meu amigo Eu estudo Espanhol como minha irmã

I speak Portuguese with my sister I study French with my children

Eu falo português com minha irmã Eu estudo francês com meus filhos

You Speak French with your son You Study Portuguese with your father

Você fala Francês com seu Filho Você estuda Português com seu pai

I Speak English with my daughter I study English with my mother

Eu falo inglês como minha filha Eu estudo inglês com a minha mãe

I don’t speak French

Eu não falo Francês

I don’t study with my sister

Eu não estudo com minha irmã

I don’t speak Spanish with my brother

Eu não falo Espanhol com meu irmão


To Speak -Falar

To Study -Estudar

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Father – Pai

Mother – Mãe


Sister – Irmã


Daughter – Filha

Child – Criança



My-meu, minha

meus; minhas

Your – seu, sua

With – Com



English – Inglês

French – Francês

Spanish – Espanhol


A– um, uma

Cup – Xícara

Glass – Copo

Now – Agora

Today – Hoje


Good Moning – Bom dia

Good Afternoon – Boa tarde

Good Evening – Boa noite (Chegada)

Good Night – (Saída)


I drink – eu bebo

I don’t drink – eu não bebo

I eat – Eu como

I don’t eat – Eu não como

I study – Eu estudo

I don’t study – Eu não estudo

I speak – Eu falo

I don’t speak – Eu não falo

I speak with you – Eu falo com você

I don’t speak with you – Eu não falo com você


1. father, I, with, speak, my, English

2. don’t, cheese, eat, I

3. now, with, speak, mother, I, my

4. bread, you, and, eat, ham

5. don’t, with, my, drink, brother, I, soda

6. eat, I, bread, don’t

7. study, I, don’t, French, sister, my, with

Substitution Practice

1. I speak French with my mother.

2. I don’t study with my daughter.

3. I drink a glass of soda, please

4. I don’t eat fish and ham, I eat meat

5. I don’t speak English with your sister.

6. I eat fish with my son

7. I study Spanish with my children

8. I drink a cup of coffee. / Thank you


1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

Written Practice

1. Eu como pão e queijo / Eu não como presunto

2. Eu não bebo suco, obrigado. / Eu bebo refrigerante

3. Eu falo português com meu pai e com meu irmão

4. Boa tarde / Eu não estudo com seu filho

5. Eu falo inglês com meu pai e minha mãe agora

6. Você não come peixe. / Você come carne

7. Boa tarde / Eu estudo com meus filhos agora

8. Por favor, eu bebo um copo de leite

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 3

To Work Trabalhar To Play Jogar

Lesson 3

To Work Trabalhar To Play Jogar

I work I play

Eu trabalho Eu jogo

You work You play

Você trabalha Você joga

I work here I play soccer

Eu trabalho aqui Eu jogo futebol

You work there You play tennis

Você trabalha lá Você joga tênis

I work alone I play volleyball with my friend

Eu trabalho sozinho Eu jogo vôlei com meu amigo

You work at a home You play chess with your brother

Você trabalha em casa Você joga xadrez com seu irmão

I don’t work at the bank I don’t play the piano

Eu não trabalho no banco Eu não toco piano

I don’t work at the store I don’t play the guitar

Eu não trabalho na loja Eu não toco violão

I don’t work at home I don’t play the violin

Eu não trabalho em casa Eu não toco violino

I work in the morning I play in the morning

Eu trabalho de manhã eu brinco de manha

I work in the afternoon I play in the afternoon

Eu trabalho à tarde Eu brinco à tarde

You work in the evening You play in the evening

Você trabalha à noite Você brinca à noite

I study but I don’t work

Eu estudo mas não trabalho

I play the guitar but I don’t play the violin

Eu toco guitarra, mas não toco violino.

I play soccer but I don’t play tennis

Eu jogo futebol mais não jogo tênis


To work – Trabalhar

To play – jogar, brincar, tocar.

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Friend – Amigo Alone – Sozinho At-Em Chess – Xadrez

Teacher-Professor Only -Só, Somente The – o, a Piano – Piano

School – Escola But – Mas Soccer – Futebol Guitar – Violão

Home – Casa Here – Aqui Tênnis – Tênis Violin -Violino

Store – Loja There – Lá Volleyball – Vôlei


Excuse-me – desculpe, com licença, “não entendi”.

Sorry – desculpe

You’re Welcome – de nada


In the morning – de manhã I study at school – Eu estudo na escola

In the afternoon – à tarde I work at home – Eu trabalho em casa

In the evening – à noite I Play volleyball – Eu jogo vôlei

At night-à noite I Play the violin – Eu toco violino

Change into negative

1. You study at school in the morning

2. I work in the store with my father

3. I drink a cup of tea in the afternoon

4. You Speak French with my teacher

5. I eat fish and cheese with my children

6. I play soccer with my friends in the afternoon

7. I speak Portuguese and English at School

Substitution Practice

1. I work alone / I don’t work with my brother

2. Sorry, I don’t eat cheese in the morning

3. I study English with my friend here

4. I drink juice with my mother in the afternoon

5. I speak English and French with my teacher

6. You play with your brother and your sister at night

7. I don’t work in the evening. / I study in the evening

8. I don’t drink tea in the morning. / I drink coffee


1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

Written Practice


bebo uma xícara de chá, obrigado. / De nada


Você não come carne de manhã. / Você come pão e presunto


Eu estudo Inglês na escola à noite


Você trabalha com minha mãe na escola


Eu não toco piano à noite. / Eu toco violino à tarde


Eu não falo português com minha professora, somente inglês.


Eu bebo um copo de água, por favor.


Eu não trabalho aqui / Eu trabalho lá.


Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 4 Conversation Lesson 4 Conversation

I drink coffee in the morning.

I don’t drink coffee in the morning, but I drink tea.

I eat cheese in the afternoon.

I don’t eat cheese in the afternoon, but I eat bread and ham.

I work with my father.

I don’t work with my father, but I work with my brother.

I play the piano.

I don’t play the piano, but I play the guitar.

Speak Right Now

there – at night – Portuguese – alone – teacher – now – bread – glass – children -my

Oral Practice

1-I drink juice.

2-You work at night.

3-I eat ham.

4-You play the violin.

5-I drink tea.

6-You study English.

7-I speak Portuguese.

8-You eat meat.

9-I eat cheese in the morning.

10-You speak with the teacher.

11-I play with my sister.

12-You work with my brother.

13-I study with my sister.

14-You drink tea in the evening.

15-I eat bread and butter.

16-You drink coffee at night.

17-I study and work.

18-You play tennis.

19-I speak with my brother.

20-You work at the store.

Eu como pão com manteiga

Único caso que não usa with -com


1-Children, I, with, speak, in, the, my, evening, English

2-Don’t, morning, study, I, in, the

3-Afternoon, work, in, the, I , School, at

4-Juice, bread, I, I, but, eat, don’t, drink

5-Tea, only, I, milk, drink, and

6-Eat, bread, I, cheese, ham, and

7-Home, at, don’t, my, chess, I, with, father, play

Substitution Practice

1-I study Spanish with my brother at school

2-I don’t play volleyball with my friends at school

3-I don’t speak Portuguese with my teacher

4-I work with my friend at school. / I don’t work here

5-I eat bread and ham in the morning

6-I don’t study with my sister in the evening

7-I don’t drink a glass of juice now

8-I don’t speak Portuguese. / I speak only English.







Written Practice Written Practice

1-Eu trabalho no mercado à tarde


Eu não bebo café e leite com meus filhos à noite.


Eu não bebo chá, mas eu bebo suco. / Obrigado.


Eu estudo com meu filho e minha filha de manhã.


Eu não trabalho com meu pai à noite.


Eu como queijo e presunto de manhã


Eu jogo xadrez com meus irmãos e toco piano sozinho.


Você não fala com sua professora de manhã, só à tarde.


Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 5

To like Gostar To Sleep Dormir

Lesson 5

To like Gostar To Sleep Dormir

I like I sleep

Eu gosto Eu durmo

You like You sleep

Você gosta Você dorme

I like my car I sleep at home

Eu gosto do meu carro Eu gosto de dormir em casa

I like my house I sleep at night

Eu gosto da minha casa Eu gosto de dormir à noite

I like you I sleep in the afternoon

Eu gosto de você Eu durmo à tarde

I like to study I don’t like to drink soda

Eu gosto de estudar Eu não gosto de beber refrigerante

I like to work I don’t like to play

Eu gosto de trabalhar Eu não gosto de jogar

I like to speak I don’t like to sleep

Eu gosto de falar Eu não gosto de dormir

Do you like to study alone? I like study with you

Você gosta de estudar sozinho? Eu gosto de estudar com você

Do you like to work? Do you like to study with me?

Você gosta de trabalhar? Você gosta de estudar comigo

Do you like to eat? I like to speak with you

Você gosta de comer? Eu gosto de falar com você

Do you like to sleep? Do you to like speak with me?

Você gosta de dormir? Você gosta de falar comigo?


To like – Gostar (de).

To sleep – Dormir.


Book – Livro

Car – Carro


Game – Jogo


Small -Pequeno

New – Novo

Old – Velho

Husband –Marido


Apple – Maça

Orange – Laranja

Or –Ou

For – para, por

Breakfast -Café da manhã

Lunch – almoço

Dinner – Jantar

This – Este, esse

Yes – Sim

No –Não

Expression Expression

For breakfast – no café da manhã. Every day – todos os dias.

For lunch – no almoço. With me – comigo.

For dinner – no jantar.


I like to sleep – eu gosto de dormir. An English teacher – um professor de Inglês.

I don’t like to drink – eu não gusto de beber. Small house – casa pequena.

Do you like to study? – você gosta de estudar? New car – carro novo

A new book – um livro novo. A car –um carro.

A big car – um carro grande. An apple – uma maça.

An old house – uma casa velha.

Make Questions


Yes, I like to drink milk for breakfast.


Yes, I like to sleep at home.


No, I study English at school.


No, I don’t drink soda in the morning but I drink milk.


No, I speak only Portuguese with my teacher.


Yes, I like to work at school


No, I don’t like to eat fish for lunch.

Substitution Practice

1-I like to study with my friends at school.

2-I study with my sister in the morning.

3-I don’t speak Portuguese with my teacher.

4-I sleep at home every day.

5-Do you play chess with your daughter every day?

6-I don’t speak French with my teacher.

7-Do you like to speak English with me?

8-I don’t like your old car. / I like your big car.

Listening Listening






Written Practice


não estudo com meu filho. / Eu estudo sozinho.


Eu bebo café com minha esposa todos os dias.


Você estuda inglês com seu marido em casa?


Você gosta de comer queijo no café da manhã?


Eu estudo de manhã e durmo à tarde / Tchau.


Você brinca com seus filhos à noite todos os dias?


Você gosta de jogar futebol? / Eu não gosto deste jogo.


Você gosta de sua professora de inglês?


Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 6 Conversation Lesson 6 Conversation

Do you speak Portuguese at home?

No, I don’t speak Portuguese. I speak English.

Do you work in the morning?

No, I don’t work in the morning. I work at night.

Do you drink tea with your friends?

Yes, I like to drink tea with my friends in the afternoon.

Do you speak English with your brother?

No, I speak English with my sister.

Speak Right Now

Every day – child – friend – with me – book – this – big – small – new -old


1. Do you speak English? / French / Portuguese.

2. Do you like to sleep in the morning? In the afternoon / in the evening.

3. Do you drink coffee or milk for breakfast? / juice – coffee / juice milk.

4. Do you study English with your brother? / sister / friend.

5. Do you eat meat for breakfast? for lunch / for dinner.

6. Do you drink juice at night? in the morning / in the afternoon.

7. Do you play with your son every day? / daughter / children.

8. Do you eat bread and cheese at school? cheese ham / bread ham.

9. Do you study English or Portuguese at school? / French – Portuguese

10. Do you like to sleep or work at night? /study – work / sleep study

11. Do you study your English lessons alone? / French / Portuguese

12. Do you eat cheese or ham for breakfast? cheese – bread / ham -bread

Complete with

eat / drink / like / study / sleep / work / speak / play

1. I____________________________milk for breakfast.

2. I____________________________ English at school.

3. I____________________________ bread and cheese for dinner.

4. I____________________________at night.

5. I don’t ___________________________with my father.

6. I don’t____________________________ to eat fish in the afternoon.

7. I don’t____________________________in the afternoon.

8. Do you____________________________in the morning?

9. Do you____________________________at the bank?

10. Do you_____________________________ham?

Substitution Practice

1. I study English with my daughter at home.

2. I don’t speak Portuguese. / I like to speak English.

3. I work with my brother in the morning and I sleep at night.

4. Do you like to drink a glass of milk for breakfast?

5. I don’t like to sleep here. / I like to sleep at home.

6. Do you like my new car or my new house?

7. I work at the office in the morning and I study at night.

8. I like to play tennis every day.


1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Written Practice Written Practice

1. Você fala Inglês? / Eu falo inglês com o professor.

2. Você gosta de comer pão com presunto no café da manhã?

3. Não tomo chá à noite, mas tomo de manhã.

4. Você estuda com seu amigo na escola?

5. Você trabalha com seu filho? / Eu trabalho em casa.

6. Você gosta de jogar com seus irmãos todos os dias?

7. Eu não gosto de presunto, mas eu gosto de queijo no jantar.

8. Eu não bebo café e leite no café da manhã.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Review 1 Improve your pronunciation Review 1 Improve your pronunciation

Cheese Daughter Apple Teacher

Thanks Child Breakfast Alone

Portuguese You’re welcome An English


To drink

I drink

You drink

I like

I don’t like

Do you like?

I eat cheese for


I eat cheese and ham

I study with my


I speak with you

Do you like to work with


I study here

I work there

I drink only water

I study alone

I like this car

I work every day

In the morning

In the afternoon

In the evening

At night

A car

An apple

I like my house

Do you like your house?

Old car

New house

I don’t drink, but I eat

I like to work at home

I like to study at school

I play soccer

You play the guitar

Change into interrogative

1. I eat meat and drink a glass of orange juice for lunch

2. I speak English with my teacher at school

3. I work alone at the school in the afternoon

4. I play the piano at school in the afternoon

5. I like to study with my children at night

6. I work with my parents at the office

7. I study with my children at night

Substitution Practice

1. I like to eat fish, but I don’t like to eat meat.

2. Do you like to drink coffee or tea for breakfast?

3. Do you speak with your children every day?

4. I study with my brother at school.

5. Do you speak English with your friend at the store?

6. I work with my French friend.

7. Do you study with your English teacher in the afternoon?

8. I like to play with my daughter every day.







Written Practice

1-Eu como pão, presunto e queijo no café da manhã.

2-Você gosta de tomar um copo de suco todos os dias?

3-Eu gosto da minha casa nova e do meu carro velho.

4-Você gosta de falar com seu marido de manhã?

5-Você trabalha sozinho ou com seus amigos na escola?

6-Eu gosto de beber somente uma xícara de chá de manhã.

7-Eu estudo inglês com meus amigos na escola

8-Eu gosto de jogar futebol com meus filhos à noite.

Lesson 7

To want querer To go ir

Lesson 7

To want querer To go ir

I want .

3ª pessoa

He wants

I go.

Eu quero.

Eu vou.

3ª pessoa

She goes

I want to go with you. I want to go the movies .

Eu quero ir com você Eu quero ir ao cinema

I want to speak only English. I want to go to the park.

Eu quero falar só inglês. Eu quero ir ao parque.

I want to play soccer . I want to go to school.

Eu quero jogar futebol. Eu quero ir à escola.

I want to sleep now. I want to go to church.

Eu quero dormir agora. Eu quero ir à igreja

I want to study French. I want to go downtown.

Eu quero estudar Francês. Eu quero ir ao centro.

Não tem

I want to work at night.


Eu quero trabalhar à noite Eu quero ir para casa.

I want to go home.

What do you eat? What do you like to drink? .

O que você come? O que você gosta de beber?

What do you play What do you like to study

O que você joga? O que você gosta de estudar?

What do you drink? What do you like to play?

O que você bebe? O que você gosta de jogar?

What do you want? What do you like to eat?

O que você quer? O que você gosta de comer?


“B” as in boy “S” as in Sam

How do you spell your name?

Como se escreve/soletra seu nome?


To want – querer

To go – ir

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Office – Escritório

Bank – Banco

Movies – Cinema

Park – Parque

Church -Igreja

Downtown – Centro da


In that – naquela

Boss – Chefe

Manager – Gerente

Neighbor – Vizinho

Parents – Pais

Day – Dia

Week – Semana

Tomorrow – Amanhã

o – para,a

To the – para o, para a, ao, à

In – Em

In the – No

That – aquele, aquela, aquilo

What – O que, qual

How -Como


How do you speel your name? Como se escreve seu nome?

So long – Até logo


I want to go to the movies – Eu quero ir ao cinema.

I want to go to school – Eu quero ir à escola. (Downtown, home – são excessões)

I want to go downtown – Eu quero ir ao centro.

What do you want to drink? – O que você quer beber?

Complete with

my/ this/tothe/at/inthe/to

1. I want to go _______________ park with my son.

2. I want _______________ book.

3. I sleep _______________ evening.

4. I want to go _______________ school.

5. I like _______________ new house.

6. I study _______________ school.

7. I want to go _______________ church

8. I want to go _______________ movies with my daughter.

9. I don’t work _______________ night.

10. I sleep _______________ home.

Substitution Practice

1-I Want go to the movies with you.

2-I don’t want to eat now. / I want to sleep.

3-I want to play chess only with my parents tomorrow.

4-Do you want to speak with your boss now?

5-I don’t study with my neighbor in the morning;

6-Do you want to go to church with me this week?

7-What do you like to drink for dinner?

8-I don’t want to go now. / I want to study.

Listening Listening






Written Practice

1. Eu bebo uma xícara pequena de café de manhã.

2. Eu não trabalho com meu marido.

3. Você quer trabalhar no banco de manhã?

4. Você gosta de beber uma xícara pequena de chá no café da manhã?

5. Eu não durmo à tarde, mas eu durmo à noite.

6. Você quer estudar Inglês comigo em casa?

7. Quero ir ao escritório com minha esposa.

8. Você quer ir ao cinema comigo hoje?

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery

Lesson 8 Conversation Lesson 8 Conversation

Do you want to go downtown with me tomorrow?

I don’t want to go downtown. I want to go to the movies.

Do you want to sleep or study English now?

I want to study English now.

Do you drink coffee or tea in the morning?

I like to drink coffee and milk in the morning.

What do you like to eat for breakfast?

I like to eat only bread and ham for breakfast.

Speak Right Now

downtown – spell – church – movies – tomorrow – big – small – week – home -parents


1-What do you eat for breakfast? / for lunch / for dinner.

2-Do you want to go downtown with me today? / to the movies / to the game.

3-Do you study in the morning or in the afternoon? / work / sleep.

4-Do you like your neighbor? / teacher / new house.

5-Do you want to drink juice now? / coffee / tea.

6-How do you spell your name? my / Wizard.

7-Do you study English at night? / in the morning / in the afternoon.

8-Do you drink a cup of tea in the afternoon? / coffee / milk

9-Do you play the piano? / guitar / violin.

10-Do you like to drink coffee or juice for breakfast? / coffee – tea / milj – juice

11-Do you work in a bank or in a store? / home – office / school – church.

12-What do you like to play? / drink / eat.


Valentine’s Day

Dia dos namorados

Valentine’s Day is a special day

O dia de São Valentino é um dia especial

for children and adults.

para crianças e adultos.

On this day, americans buy chocolate

Neste dia, os americanos compram chocolates

and presents for friends.

e presentes para os amigos

Valentine cards with a heart,

Cartões com um coração,

are very popular.

são muito populares.

Americans celebrate this day in Febreuary

Os americanos comemoram este dia em Fevereiro

with parties at school and at home.

com festas na escola e em casa.

The message on Valentine’s day is, “I love you”.

A mensagem no dia dos namorados/amizade é “eu te amo”

Labor Day

Dia do Trabalho

Labor Day is celebrated

O dia do trabalho é celebrado

on the first Monday in September.

na prima segunda-feira de Setembro.

It is a holiday in honor of labor.

É um feriado em homenagem ao trabalho.

Most businesses close,

A maioria das empresas fecha,

and there are activities

e há atividades

such as speeches,

como discursos,

sports events, parades,

eventos esportivos, paradas

and picnics.

E piqueniques.

Make Questions



Yes, I want to go the park with my husband tomorrow.



No, I want to study only English with my brother.



Yes, I like to drink coffe and milk for breakfast.



Yes, I like to speak French with my manager.



No, I like to play with my friend at school



Yes, I like to go to the movie at night.



No, I don’t want to go downtown this week.

Substitution Practice


I like to eat bread and ham. / Do you eat ham?


What do you drink in the morning? / I drink orange juice.


Do you work or sleep in the afternoon?


I work with my wife and I study with my brother.


I want to play with my new neighbor this week.


I like my new car. / Do you like your old house?


I don’t like to drink soda. / I drink tea in the evening


I want to go downtown now.

Listening Listening






Written Practice

1. Eu quero um copo de água, por favor. / Obrigada.

2. Eu não trabalho sozinho, trabalho com meu irmão.

3. Eu durmo à tarde. / Eu não durmo de manhã.

4. Eu não bebo café à noite. / Eu bebo leite ou chá.

5. O que você quer? Eu quero ir à igreja de manhã.

6. O que você gosta de comer no almoço?

7. Como você vai à escola todos os dias?

8. Desculpe. / Eu não bebo café e leite, mas eu bebo chá.

I know I know myself. I know my creator Knowledge is never too much.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 9

To have ter To understand etender

Lesson 9

To have ter To understand etender

I have I understand

Eu tenho. Eu entendo.

I have a cat I understand Spanish

Eu tenho um gato. Eu entendo Espanhol.

You have a dog You understand German

Você tem um cachorro. Você entende Alemão.

I have a bicycle I understand only Chinese

Eu tenho uma bicicleta. Eu entendo som ente Chinês.

You have a table You understand French

Você tem uma mesa. Você entende Francês.

I have time I undestand English

Eu tenho tempo. Eu entendo Inglês.

I have to study I want to understand

Eu tenho que estudar Eu quero entender

You have to sleep I you want to understand English.

Você tem que dormir. Eu quero entender.

I have to work I have to understand Chinese

Eu tenho que trabalhar. Eu tenho que entender Chinês.

You have to eat You have to understand your husband

Você tem que comer. Você tem que entender seu marido.

Where do you work? Where do you have to go

Onde você trabalha Onde você tem que ir?

Where do you study Where do you want to study?

Onde você estuda? Onde você quer estudar?

Where do you play? Where do you want to play?

Onde você joga? Onde você quer jogar?

Where do you eat? Where do you want to work?

Onde você come? Onde você quer trabalhar?


To have -ter

To understand – entender

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Cat – Gato

Dog – Cachorro

Bicycle – Bicicleta

Table – Mesa

Every – Todo, cada

Too – Também

Also – também

Where – onde, aonde

Time – Tempo

Some – algum

German – Alemão

Chinese – Chinês

Weekend – Fim de semana


See you – até logo

See you later – até logo

See you tomorrow – até amanhã

On weekends – aos fins de semana


Where do you work? Onde você trabalha? I have a car.

I have to… -Eu tenho que… Eu tenho um carro.

I have to study -Eu tenho que estudar I have to go now.

I have to work – Eu tenho que trabalhar Eu tenho que ir agora


1. What do you _______________________ to drink for dinner?

2. Do you _______________________ with your sister?

3. I _______________________ water and juice for lunch.

4. I want _______________________ to school today

5. Do you _______________________ English at home?

6. I _______________________ at school.

7. I like to _______________________ cheese for breakfast.

8. I _______________________ downtown in the morning.

9. I _______________________ to sleep at night.

10. I _______________________ some new friends at school.

Substitution Practice


want to understand English, too.


I don’t want a big glass of water


What do you like to study at school?


I have to work at the bank the weekend.


Do you have time to study with me now?


Do you work at the office in the morning?


I have some English books at home.


Where do you want to go now? / I want to go to the park with my son.


Listening Listening






Written Practice

1-Eu entendo espanhol. / Eu não entendo alemão.

2-Eu não gosto de beber leite. / Eu gosto de beber suco.

3-Eu estudo com meu amigo nos fins de semana.

4-Eu trabalho com meus pais em casa.

5-Eu não quero dormir agora. / Eu quero dormir à noite.

6-O que você quer beber agora. / Eu quero um copo de suco de laranja.

7-Não tenho tempo para falar com você agora.

8-Eu falo chinês e agora quero falar alemão, também.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery

Lesson 10 Conversation Lesson 10 Conversation

Do you understand Spanish?

I don’t understand Spanish. I understand only English.

Do you have a dog at home?

I don’t have a dog at home. I have a cat.

Do you want to go downtown with me now?

Sorry, but I have to study English with my teacher now.

Do you speak English with your brother?

I speak Portuguese with my brother. I speak English with my wife.

Speak Right Now

Weekend – also – Spanish – German – here – dog – every – neighbor – park -time


1-Do you understand Spanish? / German / Chinese

2-Do you speak English at home? / Portuguese / French

3-Do you have a big car? / small / new / old

4-Do you want to study French with me? / Spanish / English

5-Do you want to go to the movies today? / park / downtown

6-Do you drink coffee and milk for breakfast? coffee – juice / tea – juice

7-Do you work with your parents? / sister / neighbor

8-Do you go to church every week? / day / weekend

9-Where do you want to go tomorrow? / this week / today

10-Where do you like to go on weekends? / eat / drink

11-What do you like to eat? / want / have

12-Do you have time to study every day? / play / sleep



2-Do you __________________________________________________________________

3-I don’t ___________________________________________________________________

4-I have ___________________________________________________________________

5-I have to _________________________________________________________________

6-Sorry, but I _______________________________________________________________

7-Where __________________________________________________________________

8-How do you ______________________________________________________________

9-I like ____________________________________________________________________

10-Excuse me, ______________________________________________________________

Substitution Practice Substitution Practice

1-I have a big cat. / Do you have a dog or a cat?

2-Do you want to go to the soccer game?

3-Do you have a new bicycle? / I have a new cars

4-I understand Spanish , but I don’t understand German

5-I like to study English with my teacher in the evening

6-Do you want to go to the movies with me now?

7-I don’t like to go to school on weekends.

8-I understand English and I want to understand French too.






Written Practice Written Practice

1-Eu tenho um gato e um cachorro em minha casa.

2-Aonde você quer ir amanha? / Eu quero ir para casa.

3-Eu não tenho tempo hoje. / Eu trabalho à noite.

4-O que você quer beber agora? / Eu quero água, por favor.

5-Aonde você gosta de ir à noite? / Eu gosto de ir a igreja..

6-Eu não tenho uma bicicleta nova. / Eu tenho um carro novo.

7-Desculpe, mas eu somente tenho tempo para falar com você amanhã.

8-Tenho alguns livros de inglês em casa.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 11

To need precisar To prefer preferir

Lesson 11

To need precisar To prefer preferir

I need I prefer

Eu preciso Eu prefiro

I need to work I prefer my home

Eu preciso trabalhar Eu prefiro minha casa

I need to study I prefer my school

Eu preciso estudar Eu prefiro minha escola

I need to go I prefer my work

Eu preciso ir Eu prefiro meu trabalho

I need to sleep I prefer my city

Eu preciso dormir Eu prefiro minha cidade

Do you need to go now? What do you prefer to eat?

Você precisa ir agora? O que você prefer comer?

Do you need to study now? What do you prefer to drink?

Você precisa estudar agora? O que você prefere beber?

Do you need to work now? What do you prefer to play?

Você precisa trabalhar agora? O que você prefere jogar?

Do you need to sleep now? What do you prefer to study?

Você precisa dormir agora? O que você prefere estudar?

When do you need to go there? I like my house very much.

Quando você precisa ir lá? Eu gosto muito da minha casa

When do you need to go downtown? I like my family very much.

Quando você precisa ir ao centro? Eu gosto muito da minha família

When do you need to go the store? I study in the city.

Quando você precisa ir à loja? Eu estudo na cidade.

When do you need to go the bank? I work on the farm.

Quando você precisa ir ao banco? Eu trabalho na fazenda

I play on weekends.

Eu jogo nos fins de semana


To need – precisar (de)

To prefer -preferir

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Family – Família Potato – Batata Pork – Carne de Vegetables –

City -Cidade When – Quando porco Vegetais

Farm -Fazenda Chicken – Frango Steak –Bife Pasta -Macarrão

Rice – Arroz Turkey – Peru French fries – Cow -vaca

Beans – Feijão Batatas fritas Ox -boi


Very much – Muito Rare – Mal passado

A little – Um pouco Medium – Ao ponto

Sometimes – Às vezes Well done – Bem passado


I need to study every week. – Preciso estudar todas as semanas.

I don’t need to go. – Eu não preciso.

Do you need to work? – Você precisa trabalhar?

I like my house very much. – Eu gosto muito da minha casa.

I like my family very much. – Eu gosto muito de minha família.

In the city – Na cidade.

On the farm – Na fazenda.

Make Questions



No, I don’t need to go downtown today.



Sometimes I don’t understand my family.



I want to study English now.



I prefer turkey. I don’t like pork



I like to eat chicken and vegetables on weekends.



I like to eat rice, beans, vegetable and steak for luch.



No, I prefer my steak well done.

Substitution Practice

1-I have to go school in the afternoon.

2-How do you prefer your steak, medium or rare?

3-I sometimes eat rice, beans and potatoes.

4-When do you prefer to go to the farm?

5-I don’t like to speak French with my boss.

6-When do you have time to go to the store with me?

7-Do you prefer to go home or downtown?

8-I don’t need to go to the bank this week.







Written Practice

1-Eu tenho que estudar todas as semanas

2-Você prefere comer peru ou frango no almoço?

3-Eu tenho um irmão e uma irmã. / Eu também não tenho filhos.

4-Como você prefere seu bife: ao ponto ou bem passado?

5-Eu não gosto de comer macarrão, mas eu gosto de batatas fritas.

6-Você precisa trabalhar na fazenda este fim de semana?

7-Gosto muito da minha fazenda. / Vocês tem gatos em casa?

8-Tenho alguns amigos na cidade.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Lesson 12 Conversation Lesson 12 Conversation

Do you eat cheese or bread in the afternoon?

I like to eat cheese in the afternoon.

Do you want to go downtown with me tomorrow?

Sorry, I need to study English tomorrow.

Do you work with your brother?

I don’t work with my brother. I work alone.

When do you like to go to the park?

I like to go to the park on weekends.

Speak Right Now

Farm – city – office – day – boss – family – rice – sometimes – chicken – very much


1-Where do you study? / work / play.

2-Do you need to study English? / French / German.

3-What do you prefer to drink in the morning? / eat / study.

4-Do you like to eat rice and beans every day? / week / on weekends.

5-What do you need to study today? / want / have.

6-When do you study your English lessons? Spanish / German.

7-Where do you want to go on weekends? / like / need.

8-Do you understand German? / Chinese / Spanish.

9-Where do you need to go now? / today / tomorrow.

10-When do you like to go to the movies? / park / church.

11-How do you spell chicken? / turkey / steak.

12-Do you sometimes play the guitar? / violin / piano.

Complete with

need / have / like / study / go / understand /prefer

1-Where do you __________________________ English?

2-I want to__________________________ to the movies on weekends.

3-What do you__________________________to eat for dinner?


5-I __________________________ to study today.

6-I__________________________ to eat cheese in the moning.

7-What do you __________________________to speak with me now?

8-I __________________________ a dog at home.

9-Do you want to __________________________ to church on the weekend?

10-I __________________________ to go home now.

Substitution Practice Substitution Practice

1-I need to study English. / Do you like your teacher?

2-I don’t want to eat bread now. / I like to drink milk.

3-I like to eat pasta and to drink soda for lunch.

4-I need to go to the farm with my family tomorrow.

5-I don’t like to eat rice and potatoes but I like to eat bread and ham.

6-Sorry, I don’t have time to go with you

7-I don’t have a big family/ I have only one brother.

8-I don’t understand this lesson. / I need to speak English.







Written Practice Written Practice

1-Eu tenho uma casa nova na fazenda


Eu não gosto de estudar alemão nos fins de semana.


Eu não quero ir ao parque com meus filhos


Você tem algum tempo para ir ao mercado comigo?


O que você come no café da manhã?


Eu não gosto de brincar com meus filhos na fazenda.


Não trabalho hoje. / Quero ir ao centro à tarde.


Gosto de brincar com meus filhos na fazenda.


Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.

Review 2 Improve your pronunciation Review 2 Improve your pronunciation

Church Downtown Neighbor City Some

Bicycle Potato When Turkey Prefer


I go to the bank

to the movies

to the park

I go to school

to church

I go downtown


What do you want?

When do you need to study?

Where do you work?

In the city

On the city

I sometimes go downtown.

I have a car.

I have to study.

I work at the bank.

I study at school.

I sleep at home.

How do you spell your name?

On weekends

I like you very much.

I speak German too.

I don’t eat meat.

I also don’t eat meat.

Make Questions



I eat bread and cheese and I drink a cup of tea for breakfast.



I play volleyball every afternoon at shool.



I need to work with my manager this weekend.



i have to study French with my sister now.



I want to go to the movies with my friends on weekends.



I like to play the guitar at home.



I prefer to go downtown on weekends.

Substitution Practice


I have to go to the bank, but I don’t need togo now.


I like my farm very much. / I have a big house there.

3. What do you want to eat now? / I want beans.

4. When do you go to church? / how do you go there?

5. Do you like your teacher? / I like my teacher very much.

6. Where do you go on weekends? / I go to the park.

7. I speak Spanish and German.

8. I Want to go downtown now. / I have to work there.


1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Written Practice

1. Aonde você quer ir? / Eu quero ir ao cinema

2. Você quer ir à igreja? / Eu tenho que ir ao centro.

3. Quando você estuda alemão em casa?

4. Eu tenho que trabalhar amanhã.

5. O que você gosta de comer no café da manhã?

6. Eu também não gosto de ir ao centro sozinho.

7. Eu preciso falar com você. / Quer vender meu carro novo para você.

8. Você trabalha no banco de manhã?

Lesson 13

To buy comprar To sell vender

Lesson 13

To buy comprar To sell vender

I buy I sell

Eu compro Eu vendo

I want to buy a house I want to sell my bicycle

I quero comprar uma casa Eu quero vender minha bicicleta

I want to buy a new house I need to sell my store

Eu quero comprar uma casa nova Eu preciso vender minha loja

I want to buy a car I want to sell my house

Eu quero comprar um carro Eu quero vender minha casa

I want to buy a new car I need to sell my car

Eu quero comprar um carro novo Eu preciso vender meu carro.

I want to buy a dress I want to sell my CDs

Eu quero comprar um vestido Eu quero vender meus CDs

I want to buy a newdress I need to sell my book

Eu quero comprar um vestido novo Eu preciso vender meu livro

Do you need to buy a coat? Do you want to sell your car?

Você precisa comprar um casaco? Você quer vender seu carro?

Do you need to buy a new shirt? Do you want to sell your house?

Você quer comprar uma camisa nova? Você quer vender sua casa?

Do you need to buy a T-shirt? Do you want to sell your bicycle?

Você precisa comprar uma camiseta? Você quer vender sua bicicleta?

Do you need to buy a pen? Do you want to sell your farm?

Você precisa comprar uma caneta? Você quer vender sua fazenda?

Numbers Greetings

I have one brother and two sister My name is John

Eu tenho um irmão e duas irmãs Meu nome é John

I have eight cousins Nice to meet you

Eu tenho oito primos Muito prazer

I need to buy twelve books this year. Nice to meet you, too.

Eu preciso comprar doze livros esse ano O prazer é meu.


To buy– comprar

To sell -vender

Vocabulary Vocabulary

Chocolate – Chocolate

Bubble gum – chiclete

Pencil – lápis

Money – dinheiro

Ice cream – sorvete


Candy – bala, doce



Pen – caneta


Dress – Vestido

Blouse – blusa

Skirt – saia

Coat – casaco

Shirt – camisa

T-shirt – camiseta

Pants – calça

Shoe – sapato

shoes Boot -bota


Nice to meet you – Muito prazer.

Nice to meet you, too – O prazer é meu.



0 – zero 8 –eight 16 –sixteen

1 – one 9 –nine 17 –seventeen

2 – two 10 –ten 18 –eighteen

3 –three 11 –eleven 19 – nineteen

4 –four 12 –twelve 20 –twenty

5 –five 13 –thirteen

6 –six 14 –fourteen To buy for – Comprar para

7 –seven 15 –fifteen To sell for – Vender para

Answer the Questions

1. What do you need to buy today?

2. Where do you like to go on weekends

3. Do you have dogs at home?

4. Do you sometimes eat French fries?

5. Do you have money to buy a new coat?

6. When do you like to go downtown?

7. What do you prefer to eat for lunch?

Substitution Practice

1-I need to buy a skirt / Do you want to go downtown?

2-I don’t want to sell my old coat.

3-Do you want to eat a rare or a well done steak?

4-I eat chocolate every day, but I don’t like bubble gum.

5-I don’t want to study now. / I want to go home

6-What do you want to buy at the store?

7-I want to go downtown to buy some new shoes.

8-Do you have money to buy a new blouse?







Written Practice

1-Eu tenho que comprar um livro de alemão hoje.

2-Eu preciso vender meu carro para comprar uma casa.

3-Onde você compra doce e chocolate?

4-Eu preciso estudar inglês em casa.

5-O que você precisa comprar no mercado hoje?

6-Aonde você quer ir à noite?

7-Muito prazer. / O prazer é meu.

8-Quero comprar um vestido novo para minha esposa

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery

Lesson 14 Conversation Lesson 14 Conversation

Do you want to buy an ice cream or some bubble gum?

I want to buy some bubble gum.

Do you want to sell your bicycle?

I don’t want to sell my bicycle.

Do you want to buy a shirt for your brother?

I want to buy a shirt and some pants, too.

Do you need to work downtown today?

I need to work downtown tomorrow.

Speak Right Now

breakfast – shoe – dress – pants – bubble gum – money – pencil – french fries – cup cheese




21-Do you buy ice cream every day? / candy / chocolate.

22-Do you have a cat at home? / dog / fish .

23-What do you want to buy now? / eat / drink.

24-Do you drink milk at night? / in the morning / in the afternoon.

25-Do you want to study in my house? / school / city.

26-When do you go to the movies? / to the park / downtown.

27-Do you like to buy books? / CDs / shoes.

28-What car do you like? / book / CD.

29-Do you sometimes buy books for your children? / friends / parents

30-Do you speak English with your boss every day? / Chinese / German.

31-Where do you like to go on weekends? / need / have

32-When do you want to speak with me? / study / work




St. Patrick


São Patrício


St. Patrick brought Christianity


São Patrício trouxe o cristianismo


to Ireland many years ago.


para a irlanda alguns anos atras.


He used a three leaf-clover to teach the Trinity.


Ele usou um trevo de três folhas para ensinar a Trindade.


Today children wear green clothes


Hoje as crianças vestem roupas verdes


to school celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day.


para ir à escola celebrar o Dia de São Patrício.


When children forget to wear green,


Quando as crianças esquecem de vestir verde,


another boy or girl will pinch them as a punishment.


outro menino ou menina os beliscará como punição.




Columbus Day


Dia de Colombo


“In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”.


“Em 1492 Colombo navegou o oceano azul”.


American children learn this time at school


As crianças americanas aprendem esta frase na escola


when they study the discovery of America.


quando elas estudam o descobrimento da América.


Christopher Columbus was looking for a route


Critóvão Colombo estava procurando uma rota


to India when he discovered America.


para a India quando ele descobriu a América.


For this reason the native Americans are called Indians.


Por esta razão os natives americanos são chamados de índios.


I develop I develop myself I develop my mind and spirit

Spirituality is essential for peace of mind.

I find time for spiritual development.



Substitution Practice




need to buy _____________________________________________________________


want ___________________________________________________________________


don’t have ______________________________________________________________


want to buy _____________________________________________________________


want to have ____________________________________________________________


need to sell _____________________________________________________________




want to eat _____________________________________________________________


10-What ___________________________________________________________________


Substitution Practice

1-I need to buy a new dress and a new shirt.

2-I need to work with my friends today.

3-Do you want to go to the movies or to the farm?

4-I want to buy a new skirt to go to the party.

5-What do you want to buy downtown today?

6-Do you like bubble gum? / I prefer chocolate.




7-Do you need to buy new shoes or new boots?

8-What do you want to sell? / I want to sell my boots.









Written Practice


preciso comprar uma camisa nova hoje.


Eu não quero tocar piano agora.


O que você quer comprar para mim?


Quero comer batatas fritas e peixe hoje.


Eu quero comprar sorvete no mercado.


Eu estudo sozinho todos os dias de manhã.


Você precisa ir ao centro hoje?


Quando você quer ir à fazenda?


Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.




Lesson 15

To help ajudar To know saber

Lesson 15

To help ajudar To know saber

I help I know

Eu ajudo Eu sei

I help my cousin Eu know how to speak English

Eu ajudo meu primo Eu sei falar inglês

I help my uncle I know how to go downtown

Eu ajudo meu tio Eu sei ir ao centro

I help my aunt I know how to play chess

Eu ajudo minha tia Eu sei jogar xadrez

I help my relatives I know how to spell your name

Eu ajudo meus parentes Eu sei escrever seu nome

I help my family I know how to work on the computer

Eu ajudo minha família Eu sei trabalhar no computador.


Do you know my grandfather?

Voce conhece meu avô?

Do you know my grand parents?


Voce conhece meus avós?


Do you know my teacher?


Voce conhece meu professor?


How many brothers and sisters do you have? How many grandchildren do you have?

Quantos irmãos e irmãs voce tem? Quantos netos você tem?

I have two brothers I have seven grandsons.

Eu tenho dois irmãos Eu tenho sete netos

I have one sister I have five granddaughters.

Eu tenho uma irmã Eu tenho cinco netas.


I have twenty eight cousins

Eu tenho 28 primos

I have one hundred books. I have two hundred and fifty CDs


Eu tenho cem livros. Eu tenho 250 Cds,



To help -ajudar

To know -saber, conhecer




Vocabulary Vocabulary

Grandfather – avô

Grandmother – avó

Grandparents – avós

Grandson – neto

Granddaughter –



Write – escrever


Grandchildren – netos

Cousin –primo

Relative – parente

Beach – praia

Apartment – apartamento

Cookie – bolacha


Cake – bolo

Popcorn – pipoca

Slice – fatia

Piece -pedaço



How many – quantos

About – sobre, mais o menos, aproximadamente



20 – twenty 27 – twenty seven 70 -seventy

21 – twenty one 28 – twenty eight 80 – eighty

22 – twenty two 29 – twenty nine 90 – ninety

23 – twenty three 30 – thirty 100 – one hundred

24 – twenty four 40 – forty 200 – two hundred

25 – twenty five 50 – fifty 1000 – one thousand

26 – twenty six 60 – sixty

I know how to speak German I know how to go downtown

Eu sei falar alemão Eu sei ir ao centro.


Answer the Questions

1-How many brothers and sister do you have?

2-Do you prefer candy or chocolate?

3-Do you like to help your grandparents?

4-When do you want to go to the beach?

5-Do you want to eat some cookies now?

6-Do you prefer some popcorn or bubble gum?

7-Do you know how to speak German?


Substitution Practice

1-I know English, but I don’t know Spanish.

2-I don’t know how many brothers and sisters you have.

3-Do you want to go downtown? / I want to go home.

4-Do you want a piece of cake? / I want a piece of chocolate cake.

5-I like to help my grandparents when I have time.

6-I want to go to church with you on weekends.





7-I want a slice of chocolate cake, please.

8-I need to speak with you about my daughter.









Written Practice

1-Quantos netos você tem?

2-Eu prefiro estudar inglês na escola.

3-Aonde você precisa ir hoje? / Eu preciso ir ao banco.

4-Eu bebo aproximadamente 4 copos de água todos os dias.

5-Eu quero comprar um vestido e uma blusa para minha irmã.

6-Você come pipoca quando vai ao cinema?

7-Eu tenho aproximadamente quinze primos.

8-Você tem dinheiro para comprar um carro novo?



Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Lesson 16 Conversation Lesson 16 Conversation

Do you help your wife at home?

I sometimes help my wife at home.

Do you prefer to speak English or Spanish?

I prefer to speak English. I don’t speak Spanish.

Do you want to help me tomorrow?

Sorry, but I have to work tomorrow.

Do you want to go to the beach with me?

I want to go to the movies with you.



Speak Right Now

about – relatives – potato – grandmother – today – manager – apartment – slice – beach –




1-When do you help your parents? / friends / neighbor

2-What do you want to sell? / buy / study

3-Do you want to buy an apartment at the beach? / house / popcorn

4-Do you know what car I have? / want / like

5-Do you need to work tomorrow? / study / play

6-Do you eat popcorn at the movies? / candy / chocolate

7-Do you like to drink tea or coffee in the morning? / juice-tea / juice – coffee

8-Do you want some bubble gum? / cookies / candy

9-How many cups of coffee do you drink every day? / tea / milk

10-Do you have time to help me today? / tomorrow / this week

11-Do you know how to spell my name? / your / Washington

12-When do you want to go home? / to the mall / to the movies



1-Need, water, I , to drink, now

2-Sister, with you, I , need, today, my, and, to, speak

3-And, grandmother, know, I, your, grandfather

4-German, like, I , to , speak, don’t.

5-Want, cheese, to, eat, ham, I, , and , a cup, to, drink, of tea, and

6-I, don’t, here, in, the, sorry, work , afternoon

7-Pen, for, want, today, buy , pencil, a, a, I, to, and, children, my




Substitution Practice Substitution Practice

1-I like to eat popcorn and to drink soda.

2-I don’t study at home. / I like to study at school.

3-I need to speak with my boss tomorrow.

4-I have money, but I don’t want to go to the movies.

5-I don’t like to go downtown alone. / I prefer to go with my friend

6-How many brothers and sisters do you have?

7-I want some French fries and a big glass of juice.

8-What do you want to eat now?












Written Practice Written Practice

1. Eu preciso ajudar minha filha de manhã.

2. Eu não trabalho no centro, mas eu quero ir com você.

3. Você quer ir à praia nos fins de semana?

4. Não tenho dinheiro hoje, mas quero comprar isto.

5. Gosto de falar inglês com meu chefe.

6. Você quer ajudar meu irmão esta amanhã?

7. Você entende seu amigo francês?

8. Quando você gosta de ir ao parque com seus avós?

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.




Lesson 17

To read ler To write escrever

Lesson 17

To read ler To write escrever

I read I write

Eu leio Eu escrevo

I read the newspaper I write many e-mails

Eu leio o jornal Eu escreve muitos e-mails

I read the e-mail I write e-mails to my boyfriend

Eu leio o e-mail Eu escrevo e-mails para meu namorado

I read a magazine I write to my girlfriend

Eu leio uma revista Eu escrevo para minha namorada

I read a book I write a letter to my boyfriend

Eu leio um livro Eu escrevo uma carta para meu namorado

I read to my children I write an e-mail to my boss

Eu leio para os meus filhos Eu escrevo um e-mail para meu chefe


What time is it?

Que horas são?

1:00 – It’ one o’clock

2:00 – It’ two o’clock

4:15 – It’ four fifteen

5:30 – It’ five thirty

6:50 – It’s ten to seven

O’clock só usa em

hora exata

a.m. 0 12h

p.m. 12 24h

What time do you get up? I sleep until six o’clock.

A que horas voce se levanta? Eu durmo até as 6 horas.

I get up at six o’clock I play until four o’clock


Eu me levanto às 6 horas Eu brinco até às 4 horas


I get up at seven thirty I work until five thirty


Eu me levanto às 7:30 Eu trabalho até às 5:30


I get up at ten o’clock I study until twelve thirty


Eu me levanto às 10 horas Eu estudo até às 12:30



To read -ler

To write -escrever




Vocabulary Vocabulary

Newspaper – jornal

Magazine – revista

Letter – carta

E-mail – correio


Noon – meio dia


Midnight – meia noite

Boy – garoto

Girl – garota

Boyfriend – namorado

Girlfriend – namorada

Dad – papai

Mom – mamãe


Kid – criança

Toy – brinquedo

Until – até

Bed – cama

Many -muitos



What time? Que horas? To get up – levanter-se

What time is it? Que horas são? To go to bed– ir dormir




1:00 – It’ one o’clock I go to school at 8 o’clock

2:00 – It’ two o’clock Eu vou à escola às 8 horas

4:15 – It’ four fifteen I study until 8 o’clock

5:30 – It’ five thirty Eu estudo até às 8 horas

6:50 – It’s ten to seven


a.m. 0 12h

p.m. 12 24h



It’s nine o’clock


I go to work at seven o’clock every day.


No, I like to read the newspaper until 8 o’clock.


Yes, now I understand English.


I write a letter to my dad every week.


No, I go to bed at ten thirty.


Yes, I help my mom in the kitchen.


Substitution Practice

1-I like to read the newspaper every day.

2-I need to write a letter to my neighbor this week.

3-I go to church with my family on weekends.

4-How many magazines do you have at home?

5-I have a small cat and a big dog.

6-Do you prefer milk or juice for breakfast?





7-I sleep until seven fifteen every day.

8-I like to go to the office at eight o’clock.









Written Practice

1. Eu gosto de escrever um e-mail para meus pais todas as semanas.

2. Eu não quero falar com seus parentes hoje.

3. Você compra muitas revistas no mercado?

4. A que horas você se levanta? / Eu me levanto às sete horas.

5. Eu quero ir à fazenda com meus filhos amanhã

6. Você gosta de ler ou escrever sobre crianças?

7. Às vezes eu durmo até meio-dia nos fins de semana

8. Que horas são? / São dez e meia. / Preciso ir dormir agora.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Lesson 18 Conversation Lesson 18 Conversation

Do you write many e-mails every day?

I write about 10 e-mails every day.


Do you read the newspaper at night?

I read magazines at night.


Do you go to church with your family on weekends?

Yes, I go to church with my family on weekends.


Do you understand when I read in English?

Yes, I understand when you read in English


Speak Right Now

mom – bed – midnight – noon – office – toy – cake – letter – magazine -cousin



1-Do you like to write letters to your friends? / relatives / parents

2-Do you read books in the evening? / magazines / newspapers

3-When do you write to your grand parents? Teacher / boss

4-Where do you like to go with your friends? / boyfriend / girlfriend

5-Do you have grandchildren? / grandfather / grandmother

6-Do you like to go to the beach on the weekends? / farm / park

7-How many books do you have at home? / magazines / CDs

8-Do you understand English now? / Chinese / French

9-Do you play the piano? / guitar / violin

10-What time do you get up every day? / go to bed / study

11-Do you have a brother? / sister / boyfriend

12-Do you prefer to read in English or in Portuguese? / Spanish -German


Make Questions


I prefer to go there at seven thirty.


I like to read the newspaper in the morning.


I have about one hundred books.


I get up at 6:10.


I want to buy an apartment


I have to buy shirts, pants and dresses.


7-I have seven granddaughters and three grandsons




Substitution Practice Substitution Practice

1-I want to buy a shirt for my dad.

2-I don’t want to study now, I want to study at night.

3-What time do you go to your office every day?

4-I get up at 6:30 every day, I go to bed at midnight.

5-I want to go to the movies with my wife.

6-I don’t like to sleep here. / I get up at six in the morning

7-Do you prefer to read books or magazines?

8-Where do you read magazines, at home or in your office?












Written Practice Written Practice

1. Eu prefiro ler o jornal. Eu não quero ler esta revista.

2. Você entende quando eu leio em inglês?

3. O que você quer comprar no centro hoje?

4. Você quer conhecer minha família?

5. Que horas são? / Tenho que trabalhar agora

6. Como arroz e feijão em casa todos os dias.

7. Preciso ir dormir antes da meia-noite

8. Quantos filhos você tem? / Quantos filhos você quer ter?

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.




Review 3 Improve your pronunciation Review 3 Improve your pronunciation

Shoe An ice cream It’s 2 o’clock

Bubble gum An apartment At 2 o’clock

Shirt Slice girl



I buy milk for the cat

I sell books to Jane

I write about cities

I have about 20



1:00 I’ts one o’clock

2:15 I’ts two fifteen

3:30 I’ts three thirty

4:50 I’ts ten to five

I get up at noon.

I get to bed at midnight

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

How many cars do you


What time is it?



What time do you go to school?

I study English until 8 a.m.

I read my magazines at 9 p.m.

I write to my family

I read to my children.

I know your brother.

I know how to go downtown.



Usa-se antes do verbo

Follow the Pattern

1-I know your father. (mother)

2-I don’t know your father but I know mother

3-I know how to play the piano (violin)

4-I work until six p.m. (six thirty)

5-I know your family. (parents)

6-I write to my children (read)

7-I get up at seven o’clock. (go to bed)



Substitution Practice

1-I don’t have money to buy this dress for my wife.

2-I need to help my grandparents on weekends.

3-I don’t know how to go to the movies alone.

4-I don’t like to get up at noon.

5-What time do you get up? / I get up at 9 a.m.

6-I like to eat ice cream and popcorn with my children.








7-How many magazines do you have at home?

8-I need to write a letter until 7 o’clock. / What time is it?









Written Practice

1. Eu gosto de ler o jornal até às 9 horas.

2. Gosto de comer aproximadamente 8 fatias de queijo.

3. Eu trabalho no banco até às 6 horas todos os dias.

4. Muito prazer. / Você conhece meus parentes?

5. O que você gosta de comer no café da manhã?

6. Que horas são agora? / São 7:15 / Eu preciso ir para casa.

7. Preciso comprar uma caneta para meu filho no centro.

8. Eu sei falar alemão. / Você fala alemão também?






Lesson 19

To open abrir To close fechar

Lesson 19

To open abrir To close fechar

I open I close


Eu abro Eu fecho


She opens He closes


Ela abre Ele abrem


I open the door I close the door


Eu abro a porta Eu fecho a porta


I open the window I close the window


Eu abro a janela Eu fecho a janela


I open the room I close the room


Eu abro a sala Eu fecho a sala


I open the house I close the house


Eu abro o carro Eu fecho o carro


I have to go downtown this morning

Eu tenho que ir ao centro hoje de manhã

I want to go to the movies this afternoon


Eu quero ir ao cinema hoje à tarde


I need to go to the store tonight I prefer to go to the bank tomorrow morning


Eu preciso ir ao mercado hoje à noite Eu prefiro ir ao banco amaná cedo


How are you? He opens the office at 8:00

Como vai você? Ele abre o escritório às 8 horas

I’m fine, thanks, and you? She closes the store at noon


Estou bem, obrigado e você? Ela fecha a loja ao meio-dia


I’m alright, and you? I’m not very well


Estou bem, E você? Não estou muito bem


It works



To open -abrir

To close -fechar



Window – janela Door – porta Room – sala Bedroom – Quarto

Bathroom – Banheiro Kitchen – Cozinha Flower – Flor Tree – árvore

More – mais Cold – frio Hot – quente pie – torta

Food – comida He – ele She – ela It – ele, ela (neutro)


I – eu you – vocês She – ela I, you, we, you, they –Do? (I) Don’t (n)

You – você They – eles, elas It -(neutro) do not

We – nós He – elea He, she it – Does(I) Doesn’t (N) does not




Exemplo de 3ª pessoa


Ele come Você come Você tem Ela tem

He eats You eat You have afirmativa She has


Ele não come Você não come Você não tem ela não tem

He doesn’t eat You don’t eat. You don’t have She doesn’t have


Ele come? Você come? Você tem? Ela tem?

Does he eat? do you eat? Do you have? Does she have?



This morning -hoje de manhã


This afternoon – Hoje à tarde


Tonight – hoje à noite


Tomorrow morning – amanhã de manhã



How are you? -como vai você I have

I’m fine, thanks , and you? – Estou bem, obrigado, e você He has

I’m alright, and you? – Estou bem, e você? She hás

He opens the door – Ele abre a porta Close the door, please

She closes the window – Ela abre a janela Feche a porta, por favor

I opens at the o’clock – Abre às 10 horas Open the door, please

I works – funciona Abra a porta, por favor.


Answer the Questions

1-How are you?

2-Do you need to go to the bathroom now?

3-What time do you get up?

4-Where do you need to go this afternoon?

5-Do you have to go to bed now?

6-Do you like to drink cold or hot coffee?

7-How many books do you have?





Substitution Practice Substitution Practice

1-She closes the window for you. / Please, open the door.

2-I want to sell my old car to my neighbor

3-What time do you close the store?

4-What time do you get up every day?

5-I don’t have time this week. / I need to study

6-He studies in the morning and works in the afternoon

7-I need to buy new shoes for my husband today

8-She likes to open the window in the morning









Written Practice

1. Às vezes vou a cinema com minha esposa

2. Você sabe o que eu preciso comprar?

3. Eu não gosto de comer pão no café da manha

4. Quantas galinhas você tem em sua fazenda?

5. O que você quer beber hoje de manhã?

6. Que revista você gosta de ler?

7. Aonde você gosta de ir com sua família?

8. Meu namorado fecha a loja às 17 horas todos os dias

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Lesson 20 Conversation Lesson 20 Conversation

Do you want cold or hot milk?

I want to drink cold milk and he wants hot milk, please.

Do you have a cat or a dog in your house?

I have one cat and two dogs. My sister has a fish.

How many books about dogs do you have at home?

I have about five books. My father likes to read very much.

What do you want to buy downtown?

I want to buy a coat for my daughter. She needs it for tomorrow.



Speak Right Now

Bathroom – bedroom – flower – tree – more – pie – food – window – door -until



1-How many brothers and sisters do you have? / teachers / friends

2-Do you prefer to work or study English tonight? / German / Chinese

3-Do you sometimes sleep in the afternoon? / he / she

4-Do you want to go to the park? / movies/ downtown

5-What time do you go to school? / work / church

6-What do you want to eat now? / drink / read

7-What do you like to eat? / read / write

8-Do you want some cookies? / a slice of pie / a piece of cake

9-Do you have many books? / magazines / CDs

10-Do you need to buy new shoes? / boots / shirts

11-What time do you go to bed every day? / downtown / office

12-Where do you want to go tonight? / this afternoon / this morning







Easter is usually celebrated in April.


A páscoa é geralmente celebrada em abril.


Many families usually paint eggs,


Muitas famílias geralmente pintam ovos,


have Easter egg hunt,


fazem caça aos ovos de páscoa.


and go to church in this day.


E vão a igreja neste dia.


American kids believe that


As crianças americanas acreditam que


The Easter bunny brings chocolate


O Coelho da páscoa traz ovos de chocolate,


And other presents on Easter morning.


e outros presentes na manhã de páscoa.








On October 31, children in the USA wear costumes


Em 31 de outubro nos Estados Unidos, as crianças vestem fantasias


and go from house to house to house asking for candy


e vão de casa em casa pedindo por doces


They say, “Trick or Treat”


Elas dizem “ travessura ou gostosura”


Some popular costumes or decorations,


Algumas fantasias e decorações populares,


Include witches, black cats, bats, vampires,


Incluem bruxas, gatos pretos, morcegos e vampiros.


and of course, pumpkins with faces.


E claro ,abóboras com carinhas.


Kids love Halloween.


As crianças adoram Halloween.



1-I, window, to, open, the, need

2-I, night, door, every, the, close

3-I, to, drink, for, soda, prefer, lunch, cold

4-I, bed, want, a, to, buy, my, bedroom, for

5-I, nine o’clock, until, sleep, every, day

6-Do, you, to, the , want, this, to, go, morning, park

7-Works, well, it, very


Substitution Practice

1-I close my house when I go to work.

2-She opens the window when she studies in the bedroom.

3-How many pieces of cake do you eat for breakfast?

4-I don’t like to go to the store alone.





5-How many friends do you have? / I have three friends.


6-I play tennis with my friends every week


7-He needs to close the windows for me

8-How many letters do you write every day?









Written Practice

1. Como vai você? Eu estou bem, obrigado.

2. Você prefere bala, sorvete ou pipoca?

3. Tenho que escrever para meus pais amanhã de manhã.

4. Quero vender meus livros e minhas revistas velhas.

5. Que hora você dorme? / Eu às vezes durmo às 11 horas.

6. Ela precisa trabalhar até às 8 horas todos os dias.

7. A que horas você abre seu escritório de manhã?

8. Ele gosta de ler quando ele vai dormir.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Lesson 21

To live morar To start começar

Lesson 21

To live morar To start começar

I live I start


Eu moro Eu começo


She lives He starts


Ela mora Ele começa


I live near here I want to start today


Eu moro perto daqui Eu quero começar hoje


I live far from here I prefer to start tonight


Eu moro longe daqui Eu prefiro começar hoje à noite


I live near the school I I need to start this morning


Eu moro perto da escola Eu preciso começar hoje de manhã


I live far from the store I have to start tomorrow morning


Eu moro longe do mercado Eu tenho que começar amanhã cedo.


Why do you study here? Because I like this school

Por que você estuda aqui? Porque eu gosto desta escola

Why do you study English? I Because I want to go to the USA


Por que você estuda inglês? Porque eu quero ir aos EUA.


Why do you need to go now? Because I have to study.


Por que você precisa ir agora? Porque eu tenho que estudar.


Why do you have to read this? Because I need this for school


Por que você tem que ler isto? Porque eu preciso disto para a escola


Where do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at home.

Onde você toma café da manhã? Eu tomo café da manhã em casa

Where do you have lunch? I have lunch at school


Onde você almoça? Eu almoço na escola.


Where do you have dinner? I have dinner at the mall


Onde você janta? Eu janto no shopping.


He doesn’t live near here She doesn’t want to start tonight


Ele não mora perto daqui Ela não quer começar hoje a noite


It doesn’t help much


Não ajuda muito



To live -morar, viver

To start -começar




Vocabulary Vocabulary

Pear – pêra Banana – banana From – de

Strawberry – morango Grape – uva Language – língua, idioma

Papaya – mamão Fruit – fruta Bridge – ponte

Watermelon – melão Near – perto de Mall -shopping

Pineapple – abacaxi Far – longe



To have breakfast -tomar café da manhã To have lunch – almoçar

To have dinner – jantar To have a snack – tomar um lanche



I live near here – Eu moro perto daqui Why do you study English?

I live far from here – Eu moro longe daqui Por que você estuda inglês?

I live near the store – Eu moro perto do mercado Because I like this language

I live far from the store – Eu moro longe do mercado Porque eu gosto desta língua

She doesn’t live here – Ela não mora aqui Why? – Porque? (pergunta)

He doesn’t write books – Ele não escreve livros Because – Porque (resposta)

It doesn’t start at eight o’clock – Não começa às 8 horas


Complete with

Language / why / church / lunch / to have / near / have dinner / far / because / apples



wants to have _____________________________with you today.


do you sleep in the afternoon?


I study in the morning.


lives _____________________________ breakfast now.


want _____________________________ breakfast now.


_____________________________ do you speak?


live _____________________________ from school.


eat _____________________________ every day.


like to _____________________________ with you.


10-I go to _____________________________ on weekends.


Substitution Practice


like to live here. / I live with my parents.


Why do you want to buy a new house?


He drinks a glass of could milk and he eats a papaya every day.


Do you have to go there tomorrow morning?


She doesn’t have many books at home.


I like to write letters in English to my kids


When do you want to start? / I want to start now.


He doesn’t want to sell cars downtown





Listening Listening







Written Practice

1. Ele não quer dormir à meia-noite / Ele quer dormir ás 22 horas.

2. Você come carne e batatas no almoço?

3. Eu quero jantar às 18 horas, porque eu almoço às 11 horas.

4. Você mora longe da escola? / Eu moro perto do shopping.

5. Que horas são? / Você mora perto ou longe daqui?

6. Qual língua você fala? / Eu falo português.

7. Quero estudar um novo idioma.

8. Por que você estuda inglês? / Porque eu quero ir aos EUA.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Lesson 22 Conversation Lesson 22 Conversation

Do you understand your French friend?

I understand a little. He doesn’t speak Portuguese.



Do you have a small or a big car?

I have a small and old car and my wife doesn’t like it.



What time do you want to start the English lessons?

I want to start it a two o’clock.



Where do you live?

I live in New York with my family.



Speak Right Now

Fruit – grape – lunch – dinner – near – far – kids – language – cold – this morning



1-Where do you live? / work / study

2-Where do you study English? / Spanish / Portuguese

3-What languages do you speak? / understand

4-When do you go downtown? / church / mall

5-What time do you have lunch? / dinner / breakfast

6-Do you want to go to church this week? / this morning / this afternoon

7-What do you eat for dinner? / lunch / breakfast

8-What fruit do you prefer? / like / want

9-What time do you go to bed? / get up / have lunch

10-How many kids do you have? / daughters / sons

11-Do you live near here? /work / study

12-What time do you have dinner? / study / work


Answer the Questions

1-What time do you open your windows in the morning?

2-When do you want to have a snack with me?

3-Do you know how to write in Spanish?

4-What fruit do you like to eat for breakfast?

5-How many languages do you speak?

6-Do you prefer to eat grapes, strawberries or bananas?

7-Do you work near or far from the bridge





Substitution Practice Substitution Practice

1-Where do you live? / I live near the mall.

2-Why do you want to buy a car?

3-When do you want to start? / I want to start tonight.

4-My daughter likes to eat fruit for breakfast. / She likes grapes and apples.

5-Why do you sell newspapers? / Because I need more money.

6-Do you live near or far from here? / I live near here.

7-What do you like to read o weekends?

8-Why do you want to buy more books?












Written Practice Written Practice

1. Preciso ajudar meu filho hoje. Você quer ir comigo?

2. Ele gosta de ir ao centro nos fins de semana.

3. Ela não tem tempo de escrever cartas hoje de manhã.

4. Eu bebo refrigerante e como bife no almoço.

5. Você quer ir à minha fazenda?

6. Você quer comprar pêras para mim?

7. Onde você trabalha? Eu não trabalho, só estudo

8. Com licença. Preciso falar com o gerente sobre meu dinheiro.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.




Lesson 23

To come vir To stay ficar

Lesson 23

To come vir To stay ficar

I come I stay


Eu venho Eu fico


She comes He stays


Ela vem Ele fica


Where do you come from? When do you stay home?

De onde você vem? Quando você fica em casa?

I come from Brazil. I stay home in the morning


Eu venho do Brasil. Eu fico em casa de manhã.


I come from Germany I stay home at night.

Eu venho da Alemanha. Eu fico em casa à noite


I come from France I stay home every day


Eu venho da França Eu fico em casa todos os dias.


I come from Spain I like to stay home on Christmas.


Eu venho da Espanha Eu gosto de ficar em casa no natal.


When do you like to read? Does he come here?

Quando você gosta de ler? Ele vem aqui?

I like to read before breakfast. Does she stay home alone?


Eu gosto de ler antes do café da manhã Ela fica em casa sozinha?


I like to read before lunch. Does it start today?


Eu gosto de ler antes do almoço Começa hoje?


I like to read after lunch I like to read after dinner


Eu gosto de ler depois do almoço Eu gosto de ler depois do jantar


Pronouns Colors

I – Eu Blue -azul

You – Você Red -vermelho

He – ele Yellow -amarelo

She – ela Black -preto

It – ele, ela (neutro) White -branco

We – nós Green -verde

You – vocês Orange -laranja

They – eles, elas Pink – cor-de-rosa


Gray -cinza

Brown -marron

Purple -roxo



To come -vir

To stay -ficar




Vocabulary Vocabulary

Month – mês Year – ano Thing – coisa Good – bom

Bad – ruim Party – festa Next – próximo Before – antes de

After – depois de Vacation – férias Easter – páscoa China – China

Germany – Alemanha France – França Spain -Espanha



Very well -muito bem This time – desta vez

On vacation – de ferias Next time – da próxima vez



Does he speak Portuguese? – Ele fala português?

Does she understand English? – Ela entende Inglês?

Does it work? – Funciona?

Come here, please – venha cá, por favor

Where do you come from? – de onde você vem?



Complete with

Week / before / many / near / with / good / party / month / flowers / only



_______________________languages do you speak?


has to work this_______________________.


want to speak _______________________ my father.


have _______________________ friends.


doesn’t live _______________________ the bridge.


want to go to bed _______________________ ten o’clock.


need to work next_______________________


she want to go to a _______________________ with me?


I_______________________speak English.


10-They have _______________________ at home.


Substitution Practice


want to go to Florida with my family next year.


Please, come with me. / I don’t like to stay alone.


How many e-mails do you want to write today?


What does he want to sell? / He wants to sell a bicycle.


They want to stay here. / They don’t want to go to the party


Why do you get up at 6 o’clock? / Because I need to work.


Does she have dinner before or after 7 o’clock?


I like to read good books on my vacation.





Listening Listening







Written Practice

1. Depois do almoço eu preciso estudar. / Venha comigo.

2. Muito prazer. / Eu preciso falar com seu chefe hoje à tarde.

3. Gosto de falar com meu amigo sobre livros.

4. Você mora sozinho ou com seus pais?

5. Eu tenho que falar inglês antes de minhas férias.

6. Ela prefere uma saia azul para ir à festa.

7. Eles querem ir aos Estados Unidos depois do Natal.

8. Agora ele fala inglês muito bem. / Até amanhã.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Lesson 24 Conversation Lesson 24 Conversation

Why do you want to speak with my sister?

Because I want to go to the movies with your sister.

Does your family like to stay on the farm on weekends?

Yes, my family likes to stay on the farm on weekends.

Why does your daughter live in this city?

She likes to live here because she has many friends here.

Does he like to stay here alone?

He doesn’t like to stay here alone.



Speak Right Now

Many – good – bad – next – before – after – Christmas – Easter – very well – this time



1-What time does it start? / close / open

2-Does he live near here? / far

3-What time does your mom have breakfast? / lunch / dinner

4-Does he have a blue car? / black / white

5-Does he like coffee? /tea / juice

6-What time does he study English every day? / she / they

7-Where does your dad go after lunch? / breakfast / dinner

8-What time does your father go to the office every day?/ boss

9-What color do you prefer? / magazine/ music

10-When does your teacher come to Wizard? / go home

11-What does she like to eat for lunch? / dinner / breakfast

12-Where does your family like to go on vacation? / weekends / Christmas.



April Fool’s Day


Primeiro de Abril


It is commonly believed that


Acredita-se que


In medieval France, New year


Nos tempos medievais na França, o

ano novo


was celebrated on April 1st.



era celebrado em primeiro de abril.



Pope Gregory introduced a


O Papa Gregório apresentou um


New calendar for the


Novo calendário para o


Christian world, changing New



Mundo cristão, mudando o ano



To january 1st. Many people


para primeiro de Janeiro. Muitas



Did not hear of the change


Nao ficaram sabendo da mudança.


Invitations to non-existent


Convites para festa inexistentes


‘New year’ parties were sent


de ano novo eram enviadas


and other practical jokes


e outras brincadeira eram feitas.


April Fools Day has now


Primeiro de abril


Developed into an


tornou-se um


international festival of fun


Festival de diversão internacional.






Dia de ação de graças


Thanksgiving was celebrated

for the first time by the

Pilgrims who came to


O dia de ação de graças foi

celebrado pela primera vez

pelos peregrinos que vieram da


America from England in the

16th century. After they had

their first harvest


Inglaterra para a América no

século dezesseis. Após a

primeira colheita


In the new land, they chose a

day to give thanks to God for

all their blessings.


Na nova terra, eles escolheram

um dia para agradecer a Deus

por todas as suas bênçãos.


Nowadays this is an important American

holiday. It’s celebrated on the

Hoje em dia este é um importante feriado

americano. È celebrado na

fourth Thusrday in November. Most families

have a large meal on this day.

quarta quinta-feira de novembro.A maioria das

famílias fazem uma grande refeição neste dia.

Among other goodies this tradicional meal

includes sweet corn, pumpkin pies,

Entre outras delicias, esta refeicao tradicional

inclui milho doce, torta de abóbora.

And of course, a large turkey.

e certamente um grande peru.


Substitution Practice

1-They stay home after dinner. / They come here every week.

2-I have many things to study this afternoon.

3-I need to go to the store before noon.

4-I want to buy a new book about dogs.

5-She needs to speak with you about the party next week.

6-I want to buy a dress and a red shirt.

7-I don’t know where she lives. / Does she live alone?

I sometimes like to open the window at night.











Written Practice

1. Quando ela quer começar a estudar francês? / Ela quer começar hoje de manhã.

2. Você sabe onde ele mora? / Ele mora perto daqui

3. Eu gosto de dormir até às 9 horas todos os dias.

4. A que horas ela precisa ir à escola?

5. Eu gosto de ir para a praia nas férias.

6. Ele não quer ir ao cinema com você neste fim de semana.

7. Tenho que ir para a cama agora? / São 11h30min.

8. De onde ele vem? Ele vem da Alemanha.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.




Review 4 Improve your pronunciation Review 4 Improve your pronunciation

Tonight kitchen chicken how are you? live month

Mext near bathtoom bedroom



Close the door, please.

Open the window, please.

She likes to study.

He doesn’t sleep well

Does it work?

Why do you study English?

Because I like this


I live near here.

I work near the bank

I want to play on my




I want to study more

I have to work next week

How are you?

I’m fine, thanks, and you?

I’m alright, and you?

I’m not very well.

This morning

This afternoon


Tomorrow morning

I have breakfast

I have lunch


I have dinner

I live far from downtown

I study far from the park

A good book

A bad game

I need to study before


I have to work after the



Change into negative


opens the office at nine o’clock.


She works near the store.


It closes at midnight on weekends.


he has lunch at home every day.


She plays the violin very well.


He lives near the store.


They want to stay here with you.



Substitution Practice

1-He needs to study more tonight.

2-I have to speak with my parents before noon.

3-She lives near your house. / She lives in a good apartment

4-Why do you to stay here? / Because I like to read here

5-Do you want to go the beach on your vacation?








6-She doesn’t like to read magazines about cars.

7-Does he like to eat cold food? / He prefers hot food.

8-Do you have want to have breakfast with me tomorrow?









Written Practice

1. Você fala inglês muito bem. / Você fala alemão também?

2. Ela gosta de almoçar ao meio-dia todos os dias.

3. Você gosta de comer peru no natal?

4. Feche a janela, por favor. / Eu quero jantar aqui.

5. Por que ele quer morar perto do banco?

6. Você quer ir à Miami em suas férias?

7. Ela não quer falar espanhol no próximo ano.

8. Desta vez eu preciso começar antes do jantar.






Lesson 25

To cook cozinhar To visit visitar

Lesson 25

To cook cozinhar To visit visitar

I cook I visit


eu cozinho Eu visito


She cooks He visits


Ela cozinha Ele visita


Do you like to cook? When do you visit your friends?

Você gosta de cozinhar? Quando você visita seus amigos?

I like to cook. I visit my friends on weekends.


Eu gosto de cozinhar. Eu visito meus amigos todos os dias.


I don’t like to cook.


Eu não gosto de cozinhar.


Do you know how to cook? When do you visit your relatives?

Você sabe cozinhar? Quando você visita seus parentes?

I know how to cook. I visit my relatives on Christmas.

Eu sei cozinhar. Eu visito meus parentes no natal.


I don’t know how to cook. I visit my relatives on Easter

Eu não sei cozinhar. Eu visito meus parentes na páscoa


She cooks very well. She doesn’t play soccer.

Ela cozinha muito bem. Ela não joga futebol.

He writes very well. He doesn’t live here.


Ele escreve muito bem. Ela não mora aqui.


She Speaks very well. She doesn’t work.


Ela fala muito bem. Ela não trabalha.


Does he read every day?

Ele lê todos os dias?

Does she help you?


Ela ajuda você?


Does he know this?


Ele sabe isto?


I study a lot. Eu estudo muito.

I have a lot of friends. eu tenho muitos amigos


to cook – cozinhar

to visit – vistar

Singular . Plural .

This These

“este, esta” “estes, estas”



cook .preposição

Does he cook for you? – Ele cozinha pra

cook .preposição

Does he cook for you? – Ele cozinha pra

Expressions .

a lot – muito, bastante


Ex: I like a lot to play soccer. -Eu gosto muito de jogar futebol.


a lot of – muito, muitos

Ex: I have a lot of friends in this city. – Eu tenho muitos amigos nesta cidade.


Grammar .

I like to study. – Eu gosto de estudar

She likes to study. – Ela gosta de



I don’t play soccer. – Eu não jogo



He does’t play soccer. – Ele não joga futebol.

for sempre

Do you cook for me? – Você cozinha pra mim?



Complete with

understand / help / write / know / live / drink / open / sell / buy / play


1. I ___________________ letters to my friends every month.

2. Do you ____________________________ hot or cold tea?

3. We ____________________________ how to make cakes.

4. She ___________________________ English and French.

5. He ________________ me with my homework every day.

6. They ___________________________________ near here.

7. I want _________________ a new coat at the Chinese store.

8. She _______________________________ books downtown.

9. ___________________________________ the door, please.

10. He _______________________________ the piano at night.

Substitution Pratice .

1. What time do you like to have breakfast?

2. They need to speak with the boys and girls now.

3. They don’t want to buy the newspaper today.

4. He knows my daughter from school.

man – homem

woman – mulher

uncle – tio

aunt – tia

test – prova

job – emprego, service

secretary – secretária


Vocabulary .

Men -homens

Women -mulheres

Toda vez que for

usar no plural

trocar o y por ies

cook – cozinheiro

drugstore – farmácia

post office – correio

gás station – posto de gasolina

state – estado

contry – páis, interior




5. My mother wants to buy a new dress this week.

6. The manager stays at the store until seven o’clock.

7. I need to speak with my parents tomorrow.

8. This girl buys candy and bubble gum every afternoon.

Listening .

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

Written Practice .

1. Minha tia cozinha batatas e macarrão. / Eu gosto de legumes.

2. Eu preciso ir a igreja amanhã. / Você quer ir comigo?

3. Meu neto gosta de comer pipoca e chocolate.

4. Meu chefe joga futebol nos fins de semana.

5. Quero beber uma pequena xícara de chá, por favor.

6. Seu tio quer comer carne no almoço?

7. Eu janto às 8 horas. / A que horas você se levanta?

8. Meu irmão estuda francês à noite. / Você conhece meu irmão?

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.



Conversation Lesson 26 . Conversation Lesson 26 .

When do you like to play soccer?

I like to play soccer on weekends.



Does your sister like to speak English at work?

Yes, she likes to speak English at work.



Why do you want to go downtown this afternoon?

I want to go downtown because I have to buy a book.



Does your father live in the state of New York?

No, he lives in the city of Boston, in the state of Massachusetts.



Speak Right Now

Boy – man – girl – Woman – test – job

Country – post office – gas station – vacation





Do you prefer to eat grapes or oranges? / she / your brother


What do you go home in the evening? / go to bed


When does your son want to go the beach? / farm / park


What time does your brother start to work in the morning? / at night

4. Do you want to go to a party with me tonight? / tomorrow / this afternoon




Do you prefer cold or hot milk for breakfast? / tea / coffee


Does your mother cook well? / sister / father


Do you have a lot of friends in the States? / cousins / relatives


Do your parents live near the post office? / beach / bridge

10. Does your daughter have a test at school today? / son / sister

11. Do you have a dog at home? / cat / fish

12. Do your children like French fries? / candy / chocolate

Toda vez que

existir um

verbo depois

do star



Make Questions

why / what / what time / where / when / how many




She cooks every day



Because my sister doesn’t like meat.



That boy lives in this state.



They go to drugstore in the afternoon.



My secretary has a test at school at 8 p.m.



That man likes to play soccer after work.



My Parents have three houses in this city.



Substitution Practice . Substitution Practice .

1. What do you like to play on weekends?

2. He wants to visit my grandparents tomorrow.

3. My boss knows Germany very well. / He Speaks German too.

4. That boy sometimes wants to play with my children.

5. I don’t like to study alone. I prefer to study with you.

6. My friend works at the post office.

7. The dog drinks water, but the cat prefers to drink milk.

8. That woman buys magazines at the store every week.

Listening .

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________



Written Practice Written Practice

1. Eu não moro aqui. / Eu moro em São Francisco.

2. Ela quer visitar meus parentes no próximo fim de semana.

3. Eu quero ir ao mercado comprar uvas, bananas e melancia.

4. A que horas você fecha a farmácia todos os dias?

5. Minha esposa quer ir para a praia com as crianças.

6. Meu vizinho vende carros no centro.

7. Você tem tempo para falar comigo às 13:30 horas?

8. Eu preciso ir ao centro para comprar um casaco amanhã.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.




Lesson 27

to do fazer to make fazer

Lesson 27

to do fazer to make fazer

I do I make


eu faço eu faço


She does He makes


ela faz ele faz


I do my homework. He likes to make toys.


Eu faço minha lição de casa. Ele gosta de fazer brinquedos


I don’t need much money this time. I like to make toys my bed.


Eu não preciso de muito dinheiro desta vez Eu gosto de arrumar minha cama.


What do you have to do today? How much time do you have for lunch?

O que você tem que fazer hoje? Quanto tempo você tem para o almoço?

I have to study. She likes to make cookies.


Eu tenho que estudar. Ela gosta de fazer biscoitos.


She has to work. I have two hours for lunch.


Ela tem que trabalhar. Eu tenho duas horas para o almoço.


He has to go downtown. I don’t have much time.


Ele tem que ir ao centro. Eu não tenho muito tempo.


She does many things.


Ela faz muitas coisas.


He has many things to do.


Ele tem muitas coisas para fazer.


How much money do you need?

Quanto dinheiro você precisa?

I need some money to buy a book.


Preciso de algum dinheiro para comprar um livro.


Days of the week (on)









to do – fazer

to make – fazer


Sempre on

To make To do

{coisas manuais} { Intelectual}


I make cake every day,

I do homework after nine o’clock



Vocabulary Vocabulary

class – classe, aula

classroom – sala de aula

company – companhia

factory – fábrica

meeting – reunião

doctor – médico


dentist – dentista

almost – quase

always – sempre

never – nunca

during – durante

Dollar – dólar




How many – quantos, quantas

how much – quanto, quanta

do meafavor – faça-me um favor

to make the bed – arrumar a cama



I do many things during the day


Eu faço minhas coisas durante o dia.


I have to do this.


Eu tenho que fazer isto.


She likes to make cakes.


Ela gosta de fazer bolos.


I make toys for my boys.


Eu faço brinquedos para meus amigos


Complete with .

very much /sorry / how are /how many / every day / so long / with you / sometimes/

this time / now


1. I don’t know ____________________________ books I have at home.

2. I read books to my children in the evening ______________________.

3. __________________________, I don’t understand German very well.

4. I go home at 6 p.m every day. ________________________________

5. My mother likes to cook ____________________________________.

6. _______________________________________ you? I’m fine, thank.

7. __________________________ I want to go to California next month.

8. __________________________________ I stay home in the morning.

9. I need to do my homework __________________________________.

10. I want to go the party _____________________________________.

Substitution Practice .

1. I sometimes like to go downtown in the evening.

2. He lives near the bridge and I live near the mall.

3. The doctor speaks only French.

4. The manager of this company never drinks coffee.



5. I want to make some tea. / Do you want a cup?

6. Do you visit your family on Christmas?

7. She knows how to make a very good cake.

8. She wants to go to the beach with me.

Listening .

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________

Written Practice .

1. O dentista trabalha somente de manhã até às 11 horas.

2. Ela faz bolos de chocolate todas às quartas-feiras.

3. Aquela mulher fica em casa todas as tardes.

4. Você mora longe da escola? / eu moro perto do shopping.

5. Meu primo sempre come arroz, bife e batatas fritas.

6. Minha prima prefere ir ao cinema com minha irmã.

7. Quantos dólares você tem para comprar um casaco novo?

8. Preciso falar com o gerente do banco sobre meu emprego.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Conversation Lesson28 Conversation Lesson28

When does your brother have a test at school?

He has a test today.



When does to the secretary go to the dentist?

She goes to the dentist every year.



When do your friends go to the mall?

They go to the mall on weekends.



Do you have many CDs at home?

I have some tapes and many CDs at home.



Speak Right Now .

Uncle – drugstore – meeting – during – doctor

Company – class – always – almost – never



Questions .

1. How many boys and girls does your neighbor have? / teacher / boss

2. When do you have English classes? / Spanish / tennis

3. Does your sister have classes on Fridays? / Tuesdays / Saturdays

4. What days does the teacher work? / your father / your mother

5. Where do you like to go on your vacation? / want / prefer

6. What do you do on Saturdays? / on Sundays / weekends

7. Does your mother make bread at home? / cake / cookies

8. Do you make ice cream at home? / your sister / your mother

9. Do you have relatives in the USA? / friends

10.Where do your relatives live? /cousins / parents

11.Does your brother live in a house? / apartment / farm

12.How much money do you need to buy a CD? / book / bicycle

Culture .

Mother’s and Father’s Day


Dia das mães e dos Pais


In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.


Nos Estados Unidos, o dia das mães é celebrado no segundo domingo de maio.


Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.


O dia dos pais é celebrado no terceiro domingo de junho.


In schools teachers help the children


Nas escolas os professors ajudam as crianças




to prepare cards for mom and dad on these dates.


a fazer cartões para a mãe e para o pai nestas datas.


Some children give their parents small gifts.


Algumas crianças dão a seus pais pequenas lembranças.


They usually make these gifts themselves at school.


Geralmente eles fazem estas lembranças eles próprios na escola.


Others prefer to buy a gift.


Outros preferem comprar um presente.


Adults usually visit or call their parents on the telephone on these dates.


Adultos geralmente visitam ou telefonam para seus pais nestas datas.


Christmas Day




Christmas is celebrated in the Christian world as the most universal holiday.


O natal é celebrado no mundo cristão como o maior feriado universal.


It has the magic of uniting people. People all over the world exchange gifts


Ele tem a magia de unir as pessoas. Pessoas do mundo inteiro trocam presentes


on this day, especially the children who wait for Santa Claus to come.


neste dia especialmente as crianças que esperam o Papai Noel vir.


There is a lot of preparation and anticipation for a family reunion with a lot of


Há muita preparação e antecipação da reunião familiar com muita


good food, drinks and Christmas carols. Above all, this is a holiday for the family


comida boa, bebidas e canções natalinas. Acima de tudo, este é um feriado para a família


to remember and honor the birth of Jesus Christ.


lembrar a honrar o nascimento de Jesus Cristo.


Become. • Become great. • Become a great leader.

Great leaders lead people, not organizations.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery




Lesson 29 . Lesson 29 .

To finish terminar to try tentar

I finish

Eu termino

I try

Eu tento

She finishes

Ela termina

He tries

Ele tenta

The meeting finishes at 6 o’clock.

A reunião termina às 6 horas.

He tries to play soccer every day.

Ele tenta jogar futebol todos os dias.

The class finishes at a 9 o’clock.

A aula termina às 9 horas.

She tries to study every week.

Ela tenta estudar todas as semanas.

The game finishes at 9:45 p.m.

O jogo termina às 21:45.

He tries to read every day.

Ele tenta ler todos os dias.


How does she go there?

Como ela vai lá?

She goes to work by car.


Ela vai ao trabalho de carro.


She goes to school by bus.


Ela vai à escola de ônibus.


She goes to the park by bicycle.


Ela vai ao parque de bicicleta.


She goes to the beach by motorcycle.


Ela vai à praia de moto.


She goes to the farm by train.


Ela vai à fazenda de trem.


She goes downtown by subway.


Ela vai ao centro de metrô.


She goes home by trolley.


Ela vai para casa de bonde.


She goes to church on foot.


Ela vai à igreja a pé


Verbs .

To finish – terminar

To try– tentar




Vocabulary . Vocabulary .

Watch – relógio

clock – relógio

truck – caminhão

nice – bom, bonito

shuttle – serviço de transporte

airport – aeroporto

parking lot – estacionamento


restaurant – restaurante

sandwich – sanduíche

snack – lanche

snack bar – lanchonete

waiter – garçom

waitress – garçonete


Expressions .

All day long – o dia todo

All might long – a noite toda


Grammar .

by car – de carro

by bus – de ônibus

by bicycle – de bicicleta

by motorcycle – de moto

by train – de trem

by subway – de metrô

by trolley – de bonde

on foot –a pé


He Works every day.

Ele trababalha todos os dias.

He Works all day long.

Ele trabalha o dia todo.

She sleeps all night long.

Ela dorme a noite toda.

Complete .

1. This time ___________________________________________________________

2. Sometimes _________________________________________________________

3. What time __________________________________________________________

4. Sorry, they don’t _____________________________________________________

5. Why does your mother ________________________________________________

6. Do you have ________________________________________________________

7. Excuse me, but ______________________________________________________

8. When does she ____________________________________________________

9. Where do you _______________________________________________________

10. How much _________________________________________________________

Substitution Practice .

1. This time I want to eat a ham and cheese sandwich.

2. Every Tuesday my son goes to snack bar to have a snack.



3. My brother goes to the airport by car this morning.

4. I want to go to bed after dinner.

5. He plays the piano at the restaurant until 10 o’clock.

6. My daughter wants to by a watch for my husband.

7. My neighbor doesn’t work at the airport / He works at the parking lot.

8. They like to go to the park on foot every day.

Listening .

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

Written Practice .

1. Toda segunda-feira o menino vai ao dentista de metrô.

2. Ele vai à escola a pé porque ele mora perto da escola.

3. Eu conheço uma farmácia perto do posto de gasolina.

4. Não sei que horas a aula começa.

5. Eles estudam inglês às terças e quintas-feiras.

6. Eu preciso saber o que você quer.

7. Aquele garçom e aquela garçonete trabalham na lanchonete todas às noites.

8. Minha aula de alemão começa às nove e meia.

Life is an eternal process of self-discovery.




Conversation . Conversation .

What does the waiter do on Sundays?

He works at the restaurant all day long.


Does your brother know how to lay the guitar?

No, he doesn’t play the guitar. He plays the piano.


Does your sister read or write in English?

She prefers to read in English.


What do you do when you go home in the evening?

I have dinner and I read a book.


Speak Right Now .

all day long – a little – truck – secretary – party

restaurant – snack bar – nice – watch – waiter


Questions .

1. How do your kids go to school every day? / grandchildren

2. What time do you get up in the morning? / go to bed at night

3. How much work do you have to this week? / month / today

4. Where do you want to go next week? / Friday / Sunday

5. Do your parents have a cat? / dog / fish

6. How many CDs do you have at home? / books / magazines

7. Does the teacher speak English well? / Spanish / German

8. Do you prefer to read in the morning? / afternoon / night

9. How do you spell your name? / my / America

10. What restaurant do you like in this city? / snack bar / mall

11. What do you like to do in the morning? /afternoon / evening

12. What does your sister like to read? / cook / do

Make Question aaaaaaa



Yes, she goes to the bank by subway on Fridays.



She studies English on Tuesday and Thursdays.



Because I need to go the United States.



She has to finish this a job before 5 o’clock.



My aunt doesn’t visit my relatives on Easter.



No, my son doesn’t play guitar. He plays the piano.



I don’t know how to make dolls.

Substitution Practice .

1. I want to speak with my mother when she finishes dinner.

2. I have to work all day long at the parking lot.



3. I go to school by bus every day, but I come home on foot.

4. I have to finish this test before 4 o’clock.

5. He plays soccer every week on Wednesday nights.

6. She works until 4 o’clock and she goes to school in the evening.

7. He opens the drugstore at 8 o’clock every day.

8. My grandfather sleeps until 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

Listening .

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

Written Practice .

1. Minha irmã cozinha muito bem.

2. Ela quer ficar aqui até sexta-feira.

3. Ela vem trabalhar a pé todos os dias.

4. Não sei quando eles começam.

5. Ele gosta de ler e ela gosta de escrever.

6. Eles sempre ajudam as crianças com a tarefa de casa.

7. Vocês visitam sues parentes na páscoa ou no natal?

8. Não entendo o que ele quer.



Review 5 Improve your pronunciation Review 5 Improve your pronunciation

girl always

womam sandwich

aunt truck

drugstore company

country days of the week



I eat a little.


I like

you play

we work

they cook


he doesn’t like

she doesn’t have

it doesn’t eat


she makes the bed.

I make cakes.

we make toys.


How much money do you need?


by car

on foot


I work a lot.

I have a lot of books.



he likes

she has

it works



Does he like?

Does she have?

Does it eat?


Do me a favor.

He does the homework.

You have to do this.



I work from Monday to Saturday.

I don’t work on Sundays.



I like to study all day long.

I work all night long.


Listening .

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________